Can you play golf in the rain? Do all golf courses close when it rains? If you plan to play despite the weather, what should you prepare? I assume that no one wants to stop his winning circuit, so he will continue to play even in the rain.
Golf can be played both indoors and outdoors. However, indoors are mostly used for training. People choose golf over other sports because they can enjoy the greening scenes, walking, and chatting with others while playing.
If you need to know about the chances you can play golf in the rain, you may spend hours and get unexpecting answers from untrusted sources. Don’t worry. There is no need to waste your time. I will use all I know based on years of playing golf to analyze this topic for you below.
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Can You Play Golf in the Rain?

There must be a reason why golf manufacturers provide waterproof equipment. And if you usually watch professionals play on TV, you can realize that golf is unlike other sports. A tennis match is suspended when it’s raining, but in golf, we don’t do that.
You can definitely play golf in the rain. Even if you are a beginner, a weekend player, or a professional, there is no rule that forbids you from doing that.
However, according to the USGA, if there is imminent danger like lightning or the course is waterlogged and unplayable, the game should be suspended. You will hear the signal from the air horn or the referees to stop all your shots and evacuate to a safe place.
In case the fairway drains well, and there is no threat from nature, you can go outside or continue your games even in the downpour.
I assume that playing in wet weather can be the most exciting and memorable for all players. There are benefits and disadvantages at the same time.
1. Benefits When Playing in the Rain
Firstly, there is no doubt that in ranges, people almost choose to cancel or take some rest when it’s raining. Therefore, you can easily use the uncrowded course without waiting in any holes. Even a downpour can turn into a precious playtime if you play on the weekend or holidays.
Secondly, another good thing that rain can bring is a cool temperature. Outdoor activities like golfing can be hard on hot summer days, and players easily feel tired. A small rain with some cool breeze can freshen the air and bring new motivation to you.
Third is a good point for putting. In dry weather, many players find it hard to reach the target. A ball can be directed by wind and spin. It does not stop right where you want. Things are different in the rain. If you need a perfect time to putt, try to play in wet weather.
Finally, playing golf despite the weather can easily make you become better.
Adjusting your swing to aim more accurately is essential. All players, especially a beginner, need to practice this more often. When you get through the challenging climate, your skill and confidence are at a new level.
2. Disadvantages When Playing in the Rain
Everything has its pros and cons. Playing golf in wet weather is not an exception. You can get benefits, as I analyzed above, but you can also face some inconvenient things.
First of all, cool air in the rain is relaxing, but it can bring cold for players if they are not well-prepared. Weather forecasts are not always right. If you plan to golf in the tournament, remember to bring waterproof gear along to get ready as soon as possible.
The second is linked to the first disadvantage. It is the extra gear you need to get when playing in the rain. There are not only a couple or three things. It would be best if you had to buy a new pair of gloves, towels, etc., and I will explain this clearly in the third section.
The third thing is your score. If you are not familiar with wet climates or have never played in the rain before, even a small pour can affect your spirit and skills. Playing in the rain is really different from playing in other conditions.
Last but not least, there are dangers that lie inside the rain.
In heavy rain, your foresight is shortened. Thunders and lightning can appear incidentally. You need to watch everything around you more carefully than normal. And if one of these threats happens, you need to stop your game and find a safer place.
Tips for Playing in the Rain
Playing any sport in the rain, including golf, brings both excitement and challenges to players. Like the benefits and disadvantages I wrote about above, it’s great to grab a chance to know what you can do in this kind of weather if you are a newcomer.
The first tip is you should accept that the ball runs less and you have to take more clubs than normal. Wet grass can slow down your ball’s velocity and prevent the backspin from drawing it back. Don’t worry. Everybody faces this, and you are not alone.
Rainy weather can bring unpredictable spin when a ball lands on the green. It can slip over, spin to the left or right, and you can not foresee the result. It’s fine. The important thing is you should learn how to control your emotions and focus on enjoying the benefits of the rain.
>> See also: 10 Best Low Spin Golf Balls in 2023
The third tip is hitting more firmly in the rough. You can not avoid this area the whole time.
Therefore, I suggest that you should prepare your mind and remember to play more firmly. Mud balls and wet grass can slow your clubs, so hold your shaft tighter and make a stable standing to control your shot better.
You can refer to this video below to learn more tips to play in the rain:
What to Prepare for Playing in the Rain
Have you ever wondered why golf manufacturers produce so much waterproof equipment and tools? Do they just prevent rust from the water hazards or fog on the grass? The answer is no. Golf brands prepare that for players golfing in wet climates like rain.
Committing as an all-weather golfer means you need to be waterproof from head to toe. Investing in a new pair of shoes that protect your feet from rain is essential. Then you should buy a jacket to keep warm, and zippered trousers to get ready in a minute.
My advice is to go to the golf store and tell the sales adviser to bring all waterproof equipment for you to consider. There are many colors and brands. Choosing your suitable clothes helps you respond faster than others when it’s starting to rain.
A firm foundation is key in golfing. I assume that it is more important when players have to play in the rain. You should check your grips, spikes, and cleats and better replace them with new ones.
In normal conditions, players usually use one glove, but on rainy days, you need to use a pair. Rain gloves offer extra grips to help players hit more firmly. Then you can control your shot better despite wet weather.
After checking the equipment that you can wear on, let’s take a look at something you can bring along. First is a golf bag. It needs a waterproof cover to keep your tools dry inside. And then you need to bring more clean towels. You will need them before and after striking.
Besides, rain and wind are best friends. A decent umbrella with a strong construction can protect you and your tools in a downpour. Investing in a good one can prevent problems that can postpone your games embarrassingly.
After reading the reason, you should play in the rain, and what you should prepare above, I bet that you may have something wondering in your mind. Therefore, I choose the frequently asked questions and answer them below.
Does Rain Damage Golf Balls?
Rain can affect the impact and flight direction of golf balls. However, it can damage the quality of your balls. Dry these, and you can use them normally. If you still worry, you can refer to my article “The 7 Best golf ball for cold weather in 2023” to find a new suitable one.
Will Rain Ruin Golf Clubs?
Rain can only ruin your golf clubs if you do not dry out and store your tools properly after playing. If your clubs can not be rusted, they can still be damaged if they soak in water for a long time.
Does Rain Slow a Golf Ball?
Yes, rain can slow your golf ball. According to, in wet weather, your ball can not run as far as it can in normal conditions. Wet grass or wet sand can slow its velocity, and even mud in the clubs can affect it.
Does Golf Get Canceled if It Rains?
It depends on how bad the rain is. If it is light rain without any dangers, the course remains open. If it is a downpour with lightning and thunder, your game will be canceled.
Final Thoughts
If you are a beginner or thinking about being an all-weather player, you may not want to miss my article about whether you can play golf in the rain or not. I provided you with all my knowledge and experiences that are based on reliable sources to explain your question above.
If you have any ideas about this topic, please comment in the box below. I would love to hear everything from you. And if your buddies wonder about the same thing, please share my thoughts for them to discuss.
Thank you for reading!
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